Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year: 2014, Fireworks,Light

With all that this new year has to bring us, I am excited to have a fresh start, just like everyone else.
Sometimes we let life get in the way of what is really important... so a lot of my personal resolutions have to do with personal growth. But I do have a couple of resolutions that I would like to share...

1. Practice more patience.

A tough patient:  Practicing patience in real life and bringing more impatience into the therapy room.

2. Read more books.

Life Changers: 15 of the Most Inspirational Books For Entrepreneurs

3. Spend more time blogging.

Links I love {blog edition} - helpful links & stories!

4. Connect with friends more.

love love love

5. Embrace/reveal my inner bombshell.

love contrasting stripe pattern, simple straight neckline and simple/utilitarian straps (esp contrasted with the stripes - straps as stripes) -- 1950s fashion love this dress

6. Be a little more fancy.

one of the most beautiful ppl-Audrey Hepburn

7. Exercise. Duh


I don't want to twist my resolutions into unattainable goals.
These are merely guidelines to help my coming year be fuller and help me grow more as a person.
I don't want to live life regretting things anymore... I should have done this, should have done that... But this year will be an improvement. I will not allow this year to go by with regrets... Unlike 2013 which went by with doubts, anxiety, regrets, and insecurities. 
This year of 2014 I am going to improve this one life that I get to live.
I will improve it for the people I love.
Improve it for my wonderful partner whom I share my life with.
I cannot wait to live a fuller, more Lucy-worthy life!!!

Happy New Year!!

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