Monday, December 10, 2012


Some glitter to start the week off right!

I've been so busy with school that I have had NO time to blog... Or take OOTD pictures... Or let alone do anything else...
But, alas, the last week of school is upon us and then I will be free!
Well, when I'm not working I'll be free!


Today I am linking up with Meg over at Life of Meg for Mingle Monday!

Mingle 240

Have you ever handmade holiday gifts? What did you do?

I have never really given hand-made gifts... But I am this year!
I am making something for my parents with their years and years of collected wine bottle corks!

If you haven't linked up with Meg for Mingle Monday, what are you waiting for?!

Mingle 240

Have a great week!
xo Lucy

1 comment:

Rachel Easley said...

Stopping by from Mingle the sPaRkLeS!! Ohhh...I look forward to you telling us what you make with the corks! I enjoy making hand made gifts.