Wednesday, May 25, 2011

{Semi} Wordless Wednesday: Beyond the Pale!

(anyone who loves Jim Gaffigan TOTALLY gets that reference)
Today, celebrities that are close to my heart... My pale heart, haha... I am a pale girl, I can't get a tan for the life of me, I'm English its FINE! Seriously though... I use to hate being Whitey McWhiterson but a slew of celebrities have really helped me come to terms with my lack of golden tan. So now I'm pale and I'm proud! I wear my SPF lotion everyday and for prolonged sun exposure I bust out the SPF 70 and my hat!... Enjoy!!!

Amanda Seyfried 

 Amy Adams

Christina Hendricks 

Emma Stone 

Evan Rachel Wood 

Emma Roberts 

Kirsten Dunst 
{All the pics up to here, via Day Old News}

Anne Hathaway


Love, Lucy XO

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm a new follower! Great post!