I am having some issues... Mostly its indecisiveness! I got two sweet comments from 2 readers that I am lucky to have... Fabulous Florida Mommy and Preppy 101! (whose blogs are always on my 'to read daily' list) Maybe you ladies can help me out...
How am I supposed to respond to comments?!
Should I make a new post?!
Should I comment on your most recent blog?!
Or do I just comment in my own comment section?!?!
Even if your not a regular visitor of my site can you let me know what is the best way to chat in blogland?!?!?!?!
Now I am going to drown myself in wedding stuff to get this thing organized!!!
Thanks again for the sweet comments ladies, I will get you a comment back when I figure out whats best...

Should I comment on your most recent blog?!
Or do I just comment in my own comment section?!?!
Even if your not a regular visitor of my site can you let me know what is the best way to chat in blogland?!?!?!?!
Now I am going to drown myself in wedding stuff to get this thing organized!!!
Thanks again for the sweet comments ladies, I will get you a comment back when I figure out whats best...
Love, Lucy XO
I'm the world's worst to ask because I don't respond to comments. :-( I should. A couple of bloggers that I read comment below the comments they receive. I just know that's how they do it, so I regularly go back and check to see what they've said! xoxo
I think I'm going to do that too! I think it will be easier then trying to leave a comment a day or so later and having to explain the whole reason why I'm commenting back! Thanks for the info!!!
I respond to the comment on the post where it was left for me. So that would mean you are commenting in your own comment section where the message was left. Does that make sense? I think it would be too much work to make a new post in order to respond. HTH! :)
Totally helps! Thank you!!!
So, I do it differently. Do you have your blog setup where you get an email with the notification that someone commented on your blog? I then respond to that, which goes straight to the bloggers email. If you respond to the post below this comment .... I will never see it :(
im not a blogger but a follower. people usually respond to my email. its a nice little treat to receive.
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