Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bridal Shower

It occured to me today, on one of my many breaks from studying for my biopsychology test tomorrow... (I literally had to retype almost every word in that, and this, sentence 4 times because my brain is so fried it can't spell right now...*le sigh*) that I need a bridal shower dress! I don't know when it is, or where, or what the theme is (but my guess would be bridal? haha) and I decided that I will need (see that? NEED) to get a dress in my/our wedding colors. Our colors are blue (started out as Tiffany's blue, but I think I like cornflower better, thoughts?), yellow and white! So I want a blue dress.... This is my FAVORITE one from Banana Republic and it is also on SALE! Wahoo!!! I just love it, I would wear it with my new wedges (see my new shoes post from a few weeks ago) and put a little wave in my hair and keep it simple!

What kind of activities did you do for your/friends/moms/etc bridal shower???

Happy Hump Day!!!
Love, Lucy XO (coming to you from the land of lalalalala and sleep deprivation)

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I LOVE that dress! How cute for your shower! Perfect! xoxo